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Stop in the name of love! (Really)

leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking

Have you noticed how some presenters speak so very quickly in front of an audience? They are literally out of breath, and so is their audience. A greater number of words per minute does not improve comprehension. It is often the opposite. Have your listeners been stuck on a word, acronym, phrase, sentence, or number? If so, it would be useless for you to continue speaking. If pausing your speech was a good practice in front of a live audience, they are a necessity in a virtual environment as presenters must work harder to grab your attention and keep it.

Biomechanically and strategically, more words per minute means less pauses; less pauses, less oxygen; less oxygen, lower projection, less intonation, and inflection of the voice. All qualities of the voice that make us who we are, human beings who communicate naturally and who inspire listeners by keeping their interest.

In all our years of practice and coaching, we have rarely met a speaker who spoke too slowly.

Consider the use of pauses in your presentation. Eight benefits and five strategies.

Here are 8 advantages of using pauses:

  1. 1. You will be more interesting.
  2. 2. You will be better understood.
  3. 3. You will be more convincing.
  4. 4. You will be more powerful.
  5. 5. You will be able to see the reactions of your audience.
  6. 6. Your audience members will have time to think.
  7. 7. You will be able to find your place in your notes and slides.
  8. 8. Your audience will be favourably impressed by your composure, your knowledge of the subject matter and your confidence.

Where to use pauses:

  1. 1. Between each slide.
  2. 2. Between bullets.
  3. 3. Between paragraphs.
  4. 4. At the end of a sentence.
  5. 5. You are showing an illustration or a table?
    Give them time to acknowledge and understand what they are seeing.
    Take a break.

Remember that this is not a radio traffic report, it is a presentation to rally listeners to your point of view.

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