You are a few hours away from making an important presentation in front of an audience you have never met and suddenly you submerged by this uncomfortable sense of doubt, your stomach seems more fragile and your body temperature seems to have changed in the last few minutes. We are all prone to a certain nervousness at the perspective to speak in public. I really don't know anyone who has not experienced, at various levels, the feeling of "butterflies" in the stomach at the prospect of presenting in public. Here are three causes of these symptoms in three simple questions that you certainly may ask yourself and 3 strategies to recharge your batteries:
WHAT WILL THEY THINK? Now you may believe that you will be evaluated, judged or that your professional "market rate" may suffer as a result of the speech. Here are a few thoughts: Firstly, few listeners would trade places with you. If, however, you are ill-prepared or if the ideas you present are poorly supported and reflect a personal choice without any real basis, you could be evaluated and judged. As a professional, you have fine-tuned the preparation of your presentation with all the care and attention for which you are known. The risk that listeners will think less of you is actually very small.
Et s’ils ne sont pas d’accord?
WHAT IF THEY DON'T AGREE. This is possible and, in some cases, desirable. Tell yourself that most of your listeners, if not all these people, are behind you as long as your argument is well-crafted and fleshed out. Appreciate the distinction between being accepted as an individual and having your ideas accepted. It is quite possible that the sources of disagreement come from points of view that you have not considered (you may learn new information or have to consider the issue in a new light) or reflect the opinions of less informed listeners (This is an opportunity!). Tell them at the outset that not everyone will agree with the ideas conveyed in this presentation and adjust their expectations. When your listeners do not agree, it is not with you so much as with the ideas you are putting forward.
Suis-je la bonne personne pour prononcer cette allocution?
AM I THE RIGHT PERSON TO SPEAK? Do you like the speech you will give, do you care about the ideas you will present, do you stand behind the concepts conveyed and do you feel that you are doing something important and bringing added value to your audience? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, no worries, you are the right person. Make sure you have the conviction before you convince others.
Merci pour vos articles très pertinents !
J’ai longtemps cru que je n’étais pas assez parfaite pour prendre la parole et j’ai souvent décliné des opportunités à cause de cela ! Pourtant j’en avais envie, et en même temps la peur me tétanisait tellement que je ne savais pas quoi dire ni comment!
J’ai fini par comprendre que parler en public n’est pas inné et qu’il est possible d’apprendre à le faire… tout en restant soi-même !
J’ai eu la chance de croiser la route d’une personne qui m’a coachée et aidée à comprendre qui j’étais, à mieux me connaître.
A partir de là j’ai enfin su pourquoi je souhaitais prendre la parole, dans quel but, et comment partager, transmettre ce que j’avais compris avec les autres!
A partir de là, le jugement a véritablement diminué. J’ai su quoi dire et comment, j’ai préparé mes discours, j’ai appris comment me positionner, etc… et j’ai commencé à prendre du plaisir à le faire!
Je me suis également formée et aujourd’hui je suis coach en prise de parole!
Au plaisir pour échanger !
Aurélie Koenig