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Public Speaking-Are You Superstitious? 5 ideas to try.

leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking

Of course, we've all heard of the professional athletes who refuse to shave their beards before the playoffs are over or put on their lucky socks before the championship game. Performing artists also have their little obsessions to ward off fate before entering the stage. And even if there is no scientific and logical evidence for superstitions, could there be lessons to be learned from the habits of these professionals before your next presentation? Here are 5 ideas to incorporate into your preparation.

  1. Follow a routine that comforts you.
    For some presenters, it's visiting the room several days/weeks before the presentation, for others it's avoiding rich, fatty foods and going to bed earlier to get a good night's sleep. Why not try both!

  2. Find ways to control your anxiety..
    We know of several speakers who engage in a sustained aerobic physical exercise on the morning of the presentation to get the body moving and optimize their breathing capacity. Making an effective professional presentation is physically demanding. Why not fire up the engine before entering the stage?

  3. Resist incorporating changes you have not tested beforehand.
    New equipment, last-minute changes and even new shoes? If it's not tried and true, it could be risky. 

  4. Limit factors over which you have little control..
    You have no agency over unpredictable changes in the weather, traffic congestion and headlines on the day of this important presentation; You can, however, make all your preparations the day before the event and leave earlier than usual.

  5. Become temporarily impervious to external interruptions..
    Bad news or time-consuming difficulties minutes before your presentation can wreak havoc on your self-confidence and have an influence on your performance in public. Resist the temptation to check your voicemail or email inbox minutes before an important presentation. Stay away from sources of frustration and negative people. Clear your mind in solitude to refocus and visualize your success.

There are many imponderables when working in front of an audience. .Like athletes and performing artists, if your routine helps you focus and lower your anxiety, you may have a better grip on the factors you control before an important presentation.

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