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leonsergent communications - Formations en prise de parole en public


leonsergent communications - Formations en prise de parole en public

The great ones* are trained.

We can help!


Wether your audiences are small or large, grow and hone your presentation skills to manage your stress and project a polished professional image. Speak to be understood, engage and inspire your listeners to take action on your recommendations.

leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking
leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking


Promote your organization or service and convince your audience in a virtual setting to adopt your solutions. Mobilize your staff or team around a common goal.


Use words and tone to create a professional presence. Effectively answer difficult questions to influence your audience. Share your ideas and speak comfortably in a variety of situations.

leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking
leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking

We are driven by our clients

Our clients are industry key players because they invest in and support high potential candidates in their professional growth.

How we can help

leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking


Customized 1:1 coaching sessions for those seeking timely advice, and looking to grow a specific skill. Our clients appreciate our flexibility. We provide our services in English or French.
leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking


Interactive, engaging, highly participative and hands-on customized workshops for your team, held on premises or off-site, in English or in French.
leonsergent communications - Formations en prise de parole en public


We can help you raise the bar on your next presentation. Let us guide you from ideation through design, review, training and coaching to help you succeed at that important event.

What's on our minds


The Limitations of Learning Online

Le web est certainement une source intarissable de conseils de toutes sortes et beaucoup d’entre nous avons misé sur des cours en ligne pour parfaire nos habiletés. Que ce soit…

Fiat lux - Let there be light!

When presenting virtually, are you sure that you are seen at your best? Let me shed some light on this question.

Do you want your next talk to engage your audience like never before?

*Great speakers are trained. They were not born this way. Training and personalized coaching can have you soar to new heights and reap unexpected results. We can help.a formation et le coaching d’appoint peuvent vous aider à vous dépasser et à atteindre des résultats inespérés. Nous pouvons vous aider.