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Convince your audience with benefits

leonsergent communications - Prise de parole en public/Public Speaking

Why would your audience do what you propose? If the cost of the status quo seems less than the cost of what you propose, it is quite unlikely that they would change their ways. Your listeners will consider a change if the solution, recommendation, or product you present offers benefits that will help them solve a problem or eliminate an irritant. What are these benefits?

We must first make a distinction between features and benefits of your solution. Features of your recommendations or solutions are technical terms that are related to your ability, capacity and are often of interest only to you. Benefits, on the other hand, are potential gains that benefit your listeners and customers.

These gains could be savings in time, money or resources, a higher rate of return or productivity, an increase market share or a strategic advantage over their competitors. Increased protection against financial risks, market risks or a more favorable public opinion of their organization or brand image are also important advantages.

Show the real benefits of doing what you propose. Translate these benefits into dollars.

When you speak more about them and less about yourself, you will be able to convince your listeners because they will hear that you have their interests at heart.

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